Month: August 2014

Goal Setting – What’s getting you out of bed in the morning?

Every morning, in those first few moments when you realize it is time to get out of bed, what are the first thoughts that cross your mind?  “Please, 5 more minutes…” or “It’s so nice and cozy, I wish I could stay here”, or is it “I better get going so I am not late for work…”…
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Time Management Tips for those who have no Time (Part I)

Ever wonder where all the time goes?  How some days it seems like someone is dialing the clock ahead as a cruel joke, and then other days it feels like someone forgot to wind the clock because the minute hand just does not move. Time is probably our most precious, strangest, and most misunderstood commodity.…
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What a “Day at the Beach” taught me about Marketing

Are you confused about Marketing?  Do you not know where to begin, don’t think you have the budget, or just don’t think you have the time?  Here’s a simple tip, from maybe the most unlikely source, and I hope it helps. First of all, the day at the beach.  Now, as you probably agree, the…
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