We all have Goals, but what are we willing to Sacrifice?

We all have Goals, but what are we willing to Sacrifice?

Just returning home from an informative, fun, energy-filled company event in Las Vegas.  Batteries recharged and dreams bigger than ever.  Alot of great content and insight that I am still processing and am looking forward to share.  One of the great talks that stood out was on the topic of sacrifice.  In among all the teaching, the emotion, and all the innovation, it was one of the simplest of questions that caught my attention.  “We all have dreams, but what are we willing to sacrifice to get them?”

I try my best to avoid the cliches that are tossed about at some of the events.  Alot of things sound good on stage, but when you test them with the measuring stick of life do not hold merit.  This simple concept really brought things back to earth.  You see, if you asked me the simple question “Do you live a good life?”, I would answer yes 100% of the time.  It is true, that I am grateful everyday for the life I have been given, and feel proud of what I have accomplished.  However, if you asked me “Would you like to have a better life?”, that too would get yes, each and every time.  So, here is the cunundrum: if I continue the life I currently have, which I am happy with, I will never achieve the life I truly want.

With the realization that my comfort was getting in the way of my success, I realized I had to re-evaluate the very foundation of my goals and visions.  And with the more thought, the more I realized that not only was my comfort getting in the way of my success, but it was also slowing down yours, and the people you guide and lead, and so on.  So, with my pencil and notepad in hand (yes, I took it back to Old School) I made some lists.  Clearing out the clutter that had been taking my time and slowing my growth.  Did I really need to watch the 30 minutes of sports highlights of games I did not get to watch, or listen to those tunes on the radio instead of listening to an audiobook? Was that extra scroll through my Facebook really worth not getting this blog post done?  As Darren Hardy teaches in his book, The Compound Effect, it is the little things compounded over time that produce great results.  What if I had some of that time I had given away invested in my growth?  Where would I be today?  What more value could I offer?

We all have Goals, but what are we willing to Sacrifice?

If achieving my goals is dependent on some Sacrifice, then it will be so.  My question to you, when you look at your goals, and all the people would will impacted in a positive way when you achieve them, is “What are you willing to Sacrifice?”  It’s there right in front of you, and only you can see it.  Make the decision and point yourself toward an even better tomorrow.

Hope this helped.  If you found value in this post, please Like, Share, and Comment below, and as always, if there is anything I can do to help, please let me know

Mike Hisem

“I don’t guarantee everyone success, but I guarantee everyone a shot!”

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